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Online live casino,, announced a partnership with Stakelogic Live, a division of the award-winning tier-one gaming provider Stakelogic, in the project of launching the exclusive ComeOn! branded live casino studio in the Netherlands. The Dutch operator thus continues to expand its presence in the fast-growing local market increasingly demanding live casino facilities.

Winning combination:

The new partnership will combine the extensive market experience of and its position in the industry with the innovative and revolutionizing approach and state-of-the-art game portfolio of Stakelogic.  Customers in the Netherlands will now have a broad scope of thrilling casino games available together with the service of native Dutch speaking live dealers ensuring a superior gaming experience.

Latest broadcasting technology:

The comprehensive partnership will be reflected in the realization of the exclusive studio fully equipped with the latest achievements of broadcasting technology, such as cutting-edge cameras, and microphones facilitating flawless audio-visual transmission in a safe and regulated environment to take the game to the supreme technological level for the benefit of all the parties involved.

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Following market requirements:

Stakelogic has got a fantastic reputation in game design and development for it has released some of the most popular recent slot games. The building of the Stakelogic Live division follows the market requirements to include a team of experienced game designers and developers. Stakelogic Live’s suite of Live Dealer network tables will now be released by to include a portfolio of tables, such as American Blackjack, European Roulette, Game Shows, etc.

Richard Walker, Head of Live at Stakelogic commented: “ComeOn! as a brand is a power player in the Dutch market and we are thrilled to have been selected to operate its first branded studio aimed at Dutch players. Live casino is now hugely popular among players in The Netherlands and ComeOn! has taken the necessary steps to level up its proposition and offer players a bespoke, branded, and safe experience across its American Blackjack and European Roulette tables.”

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Complete package for customer satisfaction: platforms are fully compliant with the Dutch market regulations and legislation including all the relevant databases and entities. The company is focused on a compliant-product-first strategy to ensure a safe and top-tier player’s entertainment experience.

After the recent launch of the comprehensive and technologically advanced PAM iGaming platform, will now partner with Stakelogic Live to ensure the supply of the most prominent titles to the brand-new live casino studio. The operator will thus have the complete technological package supplied to ensure customer satisfaction and secure the company’s steady growth in the local market.

Eelco Paul ten Broeke, Country Manager at, said: “We are very excited to offer our customers a local bespoke live dealer experience powered by Stakelogic Live, our chosen partner. Like in any other jurisdiction we are proud to always offer a local and safe live casino experience. Having Stakelogic’s Dutch operations located in The Netherlands will enable us to offer a quality product to our customers and have them enjoy a truly “orange” experience.

A good review assesses the variety and quality of games offered, including popular options like slots, poker, blackjack, roulette, and live dealer games. Some casinos also feature traditional Indian games like Teen Patti and Andar Bahar, which are highly popular with Indian players.

Reviews will highlight the payment methods supported by the online casino, with a focus on options that are convenient for Indian users. Common methods include Indian Rupees (INR), UPI, Paytm, NetBanking, and Skrill. Many players also look for casinos that accept cryptocurrency for secure and fast transactions.

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A comprehensive online casino review in India gives players a detailed overview of what to expect from a particular platform. It helps Indian users find trusted, secure casinos that offer the games they want, with convenient payment methods, attractive bonuses, and reliable customer support. Always ensure that the casino is licensed and provides a safe environment for online gambling.

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